Pathway 4 of Housing for All sets out a blueprint to address vacancy and make efficient use of our existing housing stock. Many areas of cities, towns and villages of all sizes face the blight of vacant properties, which, if brought back into use, could add real vibrancy and provide new accommodation in those areas. The Croí Cónaithe Towns Fund is a key initiative which underpins these policy objectives set out in Pathway Four of Housing for All. In July 2022, the Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant was launched as part of the Croí Cónaithe Towns Fund. The grant benefits those who wish to turn a formerly vacant house or building into their principal private residence. The grant, which was initially launched in respect of vacant properties in towns and villages, was expanded to include eligible vacant properties in both cities and rural areas from 15 November 2022. Properties considered for inclusion must be vacant for two years or more and built before 1993. Proof of both vacancy and ownership are required to support the grant payment. Given that the scheme is relatively new, the scheme criteria will be kept under review, with a comprehensive review and evaluation of the Croí Cónaithe Towns Fund to be undertaken by mid-2024.