I thank the Deputy for their question. As this matter falls directly under the jurisdiction of the PSI, I have asked them for their views, which are as follows:
"As the pharmacy regulator in Ireland, the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (PSI), is responsible for protecting the health, safety and wellbeing of patients and the public by regulating pharmacists and pharmacies in Ireland and assuring public trust in the quality of pharmacy services through effective regulation.
Under the Pharmacy Act 2007, there is no statutory requirement for the PSI to oversee, approve or accredit the education and training of pharmacy technicians. A 'Pharmacy Technician' is not a restricted title in law in Ireland and pharmacy technicians are not subject to a statutory professional regulatory regime.
Notwithstanding the above, the PSI recognises that pharmacy technicians are employed and play an important role in many pharmacies, including hospital pharmacies, supporting the operation of the pharmacy and the work of pharmacists, and make a valuable contribution to pharmacy service delivery.
On 25 September 2023, the PSI launched a Workforce Intelligence Report which examined the current challenges to the recruitment and retention of pharmacists in community and hospital settings and provides, for the first time, baseline data on this matter. The recommendations in this report have been developed following extensive consultation and engagement and from triangulation of evidence from a literature review, workforce survey and focus groups.
A key recommendation of this report is to “develop a national strategy for the future role of pharmacy technicians within the health system, examining topics such as scope of practice, the need for the regulation of the role, standardisation of the qualification and workforce planning”. The Department of Health has been identified in the report as the key stakeholder to progress this action, with involvement from PSI and other stakeholders.
We look forward to continuing to work collaboratively with all relevant stakeholders as we progress the recommendations and actions outlined in this report."
Workforce Intelligence Report