asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he is aware that on three ships owned by Irish Shipping, Limited, viz., Irish Spruce, Irish Ash, and Irish Plane, 27 foreign seamen are employed at a time when there are approximately 200 Irish seamen idle and unable to find work; and whether he intends taking any steps to secure the replacement of the foreign seamen by Irish seamen.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Employment of Seamen.
I would refer the Deputy to the terms for the settlement of the recent shipping dispute, which were published in full in the public Press on 20th February, 1958, and which were accepted by the three parties to the dispute. The terms included specific provisions for (1) the filling of casual vacancies arising while a ship is in port outside Ireland and (2) the due termination of the employment of foreign seamen and others first employed after 1st December, 1957.
The parties concerned appreciate that a considerable number of Irish seamen obtain employment on ships of other than Irish nationality and that an unduly restrictive policy in regard to the recruitment of crews for Irish ships might have reactions to the detriment of Irish seamen generally.