Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 18 Feb 2003

Vol. 561 No. 4

Written Answers. - Architectural Heritage.

John McGuinness


437 Mr. McGuinness asked the Minister for the Environment and Local Government the cost of a report commissioned by Dúchas and submitted to his Department in 1998 by a company (details supplied); the action taken by his Department based on the recommendations in the report; the ongoing action being taken arising from the report; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4343/03]

The PwC report on the review of heritage functions was commissioned by the former Department of Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands and completed at a cost of €149,131 in October 1998. The former Department set up a working group to examine the report's recommendations and to implement aspects of the report which were considered appropriate. The group proposed a major reorganisation and restructuring of Dúchas and discussions on the proposals were held with the trade unions. However, agreement had not been reached prior to the transfer of heritage functions to my Department last July.

Initiatives, such as the SMI process, have also been drivers for organisational developments that have taken place since 1998. Substantial progress had been made on the design of a costing and financial management systems in accordance with PwC's recommendation prior to the transfer of functions to my Department. These systems are now being encompassed in the new management information framework being implemented in my Department. New project management processes have been introduced in the built heritage area.

A national monuments and architectural protection unit has been set up to include architectural heritage as well as national monuments. Additional staff were assigned to the national inventory of architectural heritage. Historic properties and the education and visitor services have been more closely aligned. National parks and wildlife was restructured into two units and additional staff were assigned, particularly to designation of special areas of conservation and special protection areas for birds. Some further regionalisation of services was also achieved.
A very comprehensive and successful partnership programme was put in place and more resources were devoted to staff training. Major investment has been made in IT and equipment and support services have been improved.
Since the transfer of heritage functions to my Department last July a major review of the heritage function, in particular, to see how best to integrate it into its new organisational setting, has been carried out and is currently being finalised.