Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 18 Feb 2003

Vol. 561 No. 4

Written Answers. - Estimates Report.

Billy Timmins


479 Mr. Timmins asked the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the measures as outlined in the review of Estimates report which have been implemented by her Department to date; the measures she proposes to implement; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [4485/03]

The report of the Independent Estimates Review Committee to the Minister for Finance, published in December 2002, made a number of specific recommendations in relation to my Department's proposed 2003 Estimates. They were as follows: a reduction in the amount sought by my Department for administrative expenses; a phasing out of the back to work allowance and a discontinuation of summer payments in respect of the back to education allowance schemes; a speeding up of the implementation of the employment action plan whereby persons on the live register are offered supports to find employment or training; changes to the supplementary welfare allowance scheme; a reduction in the financial allocations sought to fund the money advice and budgeting service and the Family Support Agency; and greater control savings across schemes.

In the light of the recommendations by the committee on administration expenses, measures have been put in place to reduce expenditure on administration while maintaining the focus on high priority areas.

In relation to the BTWA scheme, it was decided not to share out the scheme but to refocus it on those who were on the live register for five years or more and on other groups who had particular difficulty in accessing the labour market such as those on disability or invalidity payments. Persons who were in receipt of the BTWA prior to January are not affected by the introduction of the new arrangements.

In line with the committee's recommendation, summer payments under the BTEA scheme will be discontinued this year.

The committee also identified savings arising from a speeding up of the employment action plan whereby persons on the live register are offered employment supports by my Department and FÁS. The necessary arrangements are being put in place between FÁS and my Department and the measure will be introduced shortly.
In relation to the SWA scheme, the committee recommended that the individual rent contribution, for rent supplement, should be raised to €12 per week and identified other savings arising in the context of speedier processing of asylum cases. The rent contribution was increased to the figure recommended with effect from the beginning of this year.
The committee identified savings from the amounts sought in funding for the MABS and the FSA services. While the recommendations of the committee were partly reflected in the abridged Estimates allocation, the services in question will, following additional allocations in the Budget, have adequate resources to function effectively this year.
My Department has a comprehensive control programme which includes checks and reviews carried out on a regular and targeted basis. This ensures that social welfare payments are only received by those who are entitled to them and that employers and the self-employed are fulfilling their PRSI obligations. Reorganisation of Department structures and ongoing technology developments have combined to facilitate a more co-ordinated, focused and effective approach to control.
The committee identified a number of options for consideration if, in the light of a deteriorating budget situation, further substantial savings were needed. These included the question of reviewing the universality of child benefit. The issues arising, both from a policy and administrative perspective, are complex and would require detailed further consideration were this option to be pursued.