In accordance with the Government's decision in 1999 to restructure community employment, CE, participation levels are gradually being reduced in line with reduced levels of long-term unemployment and a strategic shift in policy in favour of training and other more appropriate supports. There were 24,991 participants on CE at the beginning of January and the projected year end participation rate is 20,000. The average participation rate on the programme during 2003 is expected to be in the region of 22,000.
The Government is very much aware of the important contribution that CE has made to the development of services for local communities over the years and the difficulties which now arise for sponsor organisations in the voluntary and community sector due to the reduction in the level of funding available for the programme. In this context a cross departmental senior officials group has been asked to consider options for the future of CE, taking account of the link with the provision of community services. In addition, the PPF mandated review of active labour market programmes is being progressed under the aegis of the standing committee on the labour market, chaired by my Department. FÁS is also currently undertaking an internal review of CE and the job initiative programme, which should be finalised shortly.
The outcome of these initiatives will inform the Government's consideration of options for the future delivery of community services and appropriate levels of CE for the future.