Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 18 Feb 2003

Vol. 561 No. 4

Written Answers. - Estimates Report.

Billy Timmins


176 Mr. Timmins asked the Taoiseach the measures as outlined in the review of Estimates report which have been implemented by his Department to date; the measures he proposes to implement; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4471/03]

The Report of the Independent Estimates Review Committee recommended reductions in the provision for the National Economic and Social Development Office, NESDO, to take account of the elimination of duplication and administrative savings to which the establishment of the office will give rise.

NESDO comprises the National Economic and Social Council, NESC, the National Economic and Social Forum, NESF, and the National Centre for Partnership and Performance, NCPP. Legislation underpinning the establishment of NESDO was published in April 2002 and when enacted will place the three bodies on a statutory basis as part of the office.

In finalising the Estimates for 2003, my Department has identified savings which will arise in 2003 as a result of the synergies which will be achieved between the constituent bodies of NESDO and the overall administrative savings accruing from the establishment of a joint office. The total abridged Estimate for 2002 for NESDO and its constituent bodies was €3.078 million while the corresponding figure for this year is €2.812 million, representing a saving of 8.6%.
