Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 30 Jan 2014

Vol. 828 No. 3

Topical Issue Matters

I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 27A and the name of the Member in each case: (1) Deputy Brian Stanley - the establishment of an independent commission to examine the placing of Grid Link and Grid West electricity cables underground; (2) Deputy Seán Ó Fearghaíl - the ongoing concerns relating to a matter (details supplied); (3) Deputies Shane Ross, Peter Mathews and Billy Kelleher - the closure of Mount Carmel Hospital; (4) Deputy Catherine Byrne - the need to conduct a review of the extent to which the pub and nightclub industry adheres to the Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland code on alcohol promotion; (5) Deputy Aodhán Ó Ríordáin - the purchase of the Killester Legion Hall; (6) Deputy Áine Collins - the need to ensure that ESB Networks expands services to include broadband on a universal basis; (7) Deputy Noel Harrington - the effects and implications of the recent adjustments to farm payments with the use of the new mapping system; (8) Deputy Heather Humphreys - the need to include the proposed North-South 400 kV interconnector in the terms of reference of the recently announced commission; (9) Deputy Helen McEntee - the need to include the proposed North-South 400 kV interconnector in the terms of reference of the recently announced commission; (10) Deputy Peadar Tóibín - the need to include the proposed North-South 400 kV interconnector in the terms of reference of the recently announced commission; (11) Deputy Dessie Ellis - the problems at the local authority estate, Hillview, in Wicklow town; (12) Deputy Michelle Mulherin - the national salmon life interpretative centre in Ballina, County Mayo; (13) Deputy Thomas P. Broughan - the offshore renewable energy development plan; (14) Deputy Ciara Conway - the need to provide an update on the Grid Link project; (15) Deputy John Lyons - RTE's reported compensation to the Iona Institute and others; (16) Deputy John Browne - the need to provide funding to repair Courtown Harbour pier following recent storm damage; (17) Deputy Mick Wallace - to discuss RTE's decision to issue a public apology and pay damages to a private institution, namely, the Iona Institute, and the implications this has for public discourse; (18) Deputy Clare Daly - to discuss the RTE apology and payout to the Iona Institute; and (19) Deputy Willie Penrose - the need to ensure the sustainability of the post office network.

The matters raised by Deputies Michelle Mulherin; Willie Penrose; John Browne; and Shane Ross, Peter Mathews and Billy Kelleher have been selected for discussion.
