Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Seanad Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Vol. 186 No. 25

Committee on Members’ Interests: Motion.

I move:

"That, pursuant to Standing Order 84(1)(a), the Committee on Procedure and Privileges recommends that the Standing Orders of Seanad Éireann relative to Public Business are hereby amended as follows:


By the substitution of the following paragraph for paragraph (6) of Standing Order 85:

‘(6) The Committee shall have the power to engage the services of persons with specialist or technical knowledge as defined in Standing Order 65 (8) to assist it in its consideration of any matter comprehended by the provisions of the Ethics in Public Offices Acts, 1995 and 2001.'


By the adoption of the following as an additional Standing Order.

‘(1) The Seanad shall consider, in accordance with the provisions of this Standing Order and Standing Orders 85(B), (C) and (D), a petition addressed to it in relation to its legislative powers or an issue of public policy. A petition may be brought in by an individual person, a body corporate or an unincorporated association of persons.

(2) A petition shall clearly indicate—

(a) the name of the petitioner;

(b) an address of the petitioner to which all communications concerning the petition should be sent; and

(c) the name and address of any person supporting the petition.

(3) The Seanad Public Petitions Committee (the Committee) shall determine the proper form of petitions.

(4) A petition may be lodged with the Clerk, or sent to the Clerk by e-mail, at any time when the office of the Clerk is open. Petitions may be lodged or sent by the petitioner or by a member on behalf of the petitioner.'.


By the adoption of the following as an additional Standing Order.

‘(1) A petition is admissible unless it—

(a) requests the Seanad to do anything other than the Seanad has power to do;

(b) does not comply with Standing Orders or is otherwise not in proper form;

(c) is sub-judice;

(d) contains the name or names of individuals;

(e) contains language which is offensive or defamatory; and

(f) is the same as, or in substantially similar terms to, a petition brought by or on behalf of the same person, body corporate or unincorporated association during the lifetime of that Seanad and which was closed by agreement of the Committee.

In relation to admissible petitions the following provisions shall also apply:

(i) a petition from a body corporate must be made under the common seal of the Corporation. Otherwise, it will be viewed as a petition of the individuals who signed it.

(ii) a petition cannot deal with complaints relating to local or regional matters under the control of the local authorities or matters which are more appropriate to a regulatory public body or body established for the purpose of redress such as the Ombudsman.

(2) The Committee shall consider and decide in a case of dispute whether a petition is admissible and shall notify the petitioner of its decision and of the reasons for that decision.'.


By the adoption of the following as an additional Standing Order.

‘(1) If a petition is admissible, the Committee shall take such action as it considers appropriate in relation to that petition.

(2) The Committee may—

(a) refer the petition to any other Joint Committee of the Seanad and Dáil as it considers appropriate;

(b) report to the whole Seanad; or

(c) close the petition under Standing Orders.

(3) The Committee shall notify the petitioner of any action taken under paragraph (2).'.


By the adoption of the following as an additional Standing Order.

‘(1) The Committee, or any other Committee to which a petition has been referred, may close a petition at any time.

(2) Where a Committee closes a petition it shall notify the petitioner that the petition is closed and of the reasons for closing it.'.".

I wish the record of the House to show the fact that my colleague, Senator Tuffy, persistently pressed me to give the Labour Party Private Members' time to this issue. She felt very strongly about it and whatever her future career — I hope she is elected to the Dáil — she will have made a significant mark on the way Seanad Éireann does its business. I want to put Senator Tuffy's name forward and give her the credit for something which means there is significant change in the way the House does its business. Everybody did a good deal of work later but she deserves the credit for the time, effort and space she contributed in getting this on to the agenda in the first place.

Question put and agreed to.
The Seanad adjourned at 7.10 p.m. sine die.