The routes of sale, including the requirement for a prescription for the dispensing of animal preventative remedies such as worm and fluke doses, are governed by SI No. 786 of 2007 European Communities (Animal Remedies) (No. 2) Regulations 2007 and are determined by the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA). There have been no recent changes to the current legislation.
However, new Regulations on Veterinary Medicinal Products (VMP) and medicated feed were adopted by the European Council on Nov 26th, 2018 and are due to come into effect from January 28th 2022. The objectives of the new legislation are to provide for a modern, innovative and fit-for-purpose legal framework on VMPs, strengthen the EU action to fight antimicrobial resistance and ensure economically-viable production of safe medicated feed, as well as to foster innovation for further veterinary product development.
My Department is responsible for the transposition of the new Regulations into Irish Law and is currently developing a public consultation process to be undertaken in 2020 which will provide opportunities for submissions in a number of key areas.