Brendan Griffin
Ceist:123. Deputy Brendan Griffin asked the Minister for Education for assistance with a matter (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [44595/23]
Amharc ar fhreagraDáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 12 October 2023
123. Deputy Brendan Griffin asked the Minister for Education for assistance with a matter (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [44595/23]
Amharc ar fhreagraThe key factor for determining the level of staffing resources provided at individual school level is the staffing schedule for the relevant school year and pupil enrolments on the previous 30 September.
The staffing process contains an appeals mechanism for schools to submit a staffing appeal under certain criteria. The final meeting of the Primary Staffing Appeals Board, for the 2023/24 school year, will be held later this month. Schools that submit an application to this meeting will be informed of the outcome of their appeal ahead of the October mid-term break. The Primary Staffing Appeals Board operates independently of the Department and its decision is final.