As the Deputy will be aware, there is a significant and growing surplus in the National Training Fund. However, plans to spend the NTF surplus must be considered within the context of budgetary policy as set out in the Government’s Summer Economic Statement. Any increase in NTF expenditure, all other things being equal and without a corresponding reduction on the Vote, requires an increase in my Department’s and overall Government expenditure ceilings.
In his Budget speech Minister Donohoe notes the NTF surplus and commits to examining how the funding needs of further and higher education are met. I fully support the key role the NTF surplus can play in future proofing the skills needs of the labour market and ensuring that workers can upskill and reskill, accessing lifelong learning opportunities. My officials will collaborate with their colleagues in the Department of Public Expenditure, National Development Plan Delivery and Reform, on options including legislative changes for the future operation of the fund. In light of Minister Donohoe’s comments on the future of the NTF in his Budget speech last week I will be writing to Minister Donohoe shortly to determine the proposed next steps in this process to bring forward options, including legislative changes, for the future operation of the Fund.