Tá roinnt beart déanta ag mo Roinn thar na blianta chun tacú le scoileanna oileánda agus leis na pobail ar a bhfreastalaíonn siad. Tá leithdháiltí breise múinteoirí agus maoiniú deontais imfhálaithe curtha ar fáil gach bliain do gach ceann de na cúig iar-bhunscoil oileánda ó 2018 i leith.
Tá tiomantas mo Roinne maidir le leanúint leis na tacaíochtaí seo a chur ar fáil san áireamh sa Phlean Gníomhaíochta do Bheartas na nOileán Náisiúnta. Faigheann iar-bhunscoileanna oileánda dhá phost breise, faoi láthair, san fhoirmle leithdháilte - 1.5 post faoin leithdháileadh “scoileanna oileánda” agus 0.5 post breise faoin leithdháileadh “scoilcheantar aonair”. Mar atá leagtha amach sa Phlean Gníomhaíochta, tá sé ar intinn agam cloí leis an leibhéal méadaithe tacaíochta seo do scoileanna oileánda.
Freagra (EN)
My Department has taken a number of measures over the years to support island schools and the communities that they serve. Additional teacher allocations and ring-fenced grant funding have been provided annually to each of the five island post-primary schools since 2018.
My Department’s commitment to continuing to provide these supports has been included in the Action Plan for the National Islands Policy. Post-primary island schools currently receive two additional posts in the allocations formula - 1.5 posts under the “island schools” allocation and an additional 0.5 of a post under the “single catchment area” allocation. As outlined in the Action Plan, it is my intention to maintain this increased level of support for island schools.