Coastal protection and localised flooding issues are matters, in the first instance, for each local authority to investigate and address. To assist Local Authorities in managing the coastline for coastal erosion, the Office of Public Works (OPW) has undertaken a national assessment of coastal erosion (including erosion rates) under the Irish Coastal Protection Strategy Study (ICPSS) and the results of this study have been published on the OPW website. This data enables Local Authorities to develop appropriate plans and strategies for the sustainable management of the coastline in their counties.
The Report of the Inter-Departmental Group on National Coastal Change Management Strategy was published in October 2023. This report contains a range of recommendations centred on developing management responses to coastal change over the short, medium and longer terms and providing a comprehensive whole of Government approach to the development of the range of policy responses that the challenge of coastal change encompasses. With regard to short-term measures, the report included a recommendation for local authorities to continue to identify potentially vulnerable locations that could be affected by coastal change, and to engage with local communities to help ascertain the most appropriate interventions.
The Minor Flood Mitigation Works and Coastal Protection Scheme was introduced by the OPW on an administrative, non-statutory basis in 2009. The purpose of the scheme is to provide funding to local authorities to undertake minor flood mitigation works or studies to address localised flooding and coastal protection problems within their administrative areas. Applications for funding from local authorities for measures, or studies, costing up to €750,000 can be made under this scheme. Funding of up to 90% of the total cost is available, subject to meeting specific economic, technical, social, and environmental criteria.
Since 2009, OPW has approved funding under this scheme of approximately €2.3 million to County Donegal. At present, no request for funding has been received by the OPW, from Donegal County Council, for proposed works at Tory Island. The OPW welcome applications from Local Authorities and will review and assess any such application, if received, in line with the relevant eligibility criteria.