asked the Minister for Local Government the maximum grant available to householders for insulating their homes against serious noise problems arising from aircraft operations or other causes.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Noise Insulation Grants.
Applications for grants for the insulation of houses against noise are considered under the terms of the scheme of reconstruction grants. The maximum State grant under this scheme is £200. A local authority may make a supplementary grant not exceeding the amount of the State grant.
Would the Minister indicate what he had in his mind when he replied to me in July last, from which reply I now quote?
The Deputy may not quote at Question Time.
On what score would the Minister consider these grants?
A person might have a reason for insulating his house against noise if there was noise from aircraft in the area regularly. I assume that would be covered.
Would the Minister consider applications from people living on main roads who want to insulate their houses from traffic noises?
No. Deputy Burke might be able to let me know what effect the traffic would have. I myself live on a main road and I do not have to insulate my house against noise. I am sure the Deputy has not had to insulate his house.