The Deputy will be aware that I publish multi-annual budgetary information on both voted current and capital services as part of the budget day documentation. In December last, I published information in relation to 2002 and 2003 in tables 4(a) and 5(a) of the budget book. These figures showed projected total voted spending in 2002 of 27,923 million (IR £21,991 million), an increase of 11.8% over 2001, based on the allocations for 2001 as set out in the budgetary arithmetic. The total projected increase was 2,960 million (IR£2,331 million). While a pay/non-pay breakdown of these projections is not published at budget time, I understand that just under one third of the total increase is related to pay, arising from increases in pay rates together with increased numbers, etc.
These figures are reviewed at various points throughout the year as technical parameters change and are currently being reviewed in the context of the Estimates discussions. These discussions will take account of the most up-to-date technical guidelines, that is, assumptions in relation to take-up of demand-led schemes, projections on inflation affecting the delivery of both current and capital services, demographic trends, public sector pay, etc.
As the Deputy will appreciate it would be inappropriate at this stage to make a statement on the matter in advance of the conclusion of the Estimates process. It is my intention to publish the Abridged Estimates volume, as usual, in November. Multi-annual projections for 2003 and 2004 will be published on budget day.