I understand the Deputy is referring to the Care Partner Scheme provided for in Northern Ireland. I understand that this Scheme was originally put in place during the pandemic as an additional support to people in health and social care settings in addition to the normal visiting arrangements.
As the Deputy may be aware, a similar arrangement was introduced by the HSE in visiting guidance that first came into effect in February 2022. That guidance provided that each resident should have the opportunity to identify a nominated support person who will have unrestricted access to the resident for most of the day and is considered a partner in care. This partner in care is in addition to and not instead of visitor access.
The full guidance is available on the HPSC website www.hpsc.ie/a-z/respiratory/coronavirus/novelcoronavirus/guidance/infectionpreventionandcontrolguidance/residentialcarefacilities/IPC%20and%20PH%20guidance%20for%20outbreaks.pdf.
It should also be noted that a new system of decision support arrangements will shortly be introduced when the Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Act is commenced. These new arrangements are intended to support people who have challenges with their capacity and may need support to make certain decisions.
I understand that the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth is now preparing the necessary commencement orders and regulations to allow for full commencement of the Act.
More about the different support arrangements can be found on the Decision Support Service website decisionsupportservice.ie/.