A final formal offer on payment for supervision and substitution was put to the three teacher unions last month. The INTO has accepted the offer. The Teachers' Union of Ireland put the offer to ballot and it was rejected by a small majority. The Association of Second ary Teachers Ireland Executive Committee voted not to put the offer to a ballot. My Department officials held a meeting with representatives of the three teacher unions on Friday, 2 November 2001 at which the ASTI, supported by the TUI and the INTO, submitted a number of points for consideration and clarification. These related to the core issues of pay, hours, pensionability and to operational arrangements. A further meeting was held with the three teacher unions on 19 November 2001 at which the necessary clarifications were given. It was made clear that there can be no improvement to the core terms of the offer. The ASTI has postponed its threatened ban on supervision and substitution and has indicated that it wishes to have further discussions with my Department. These discussions are being facilitated.