I signed the first public private partnership contract under the Government's pilot PPP programme on 15 November 2001 with Jarvis PLC for the provision of five new post-primary schools. The new schools, which will cater for around 3,500 pupils, are located in Tubbercurry, 675 pupils, Ballincollig, 1,000, Clones, 500, Dunmanway, 700 and Shannon, 600. The capital value of the schools project is over IR£64 million. The project was developed on a design, build, finance and operate basis. In the PPP process, while the maintenance and operation of the buildings is a matter for the successful bidder for the duration of the service contract, in this case 25 years, the management of the schools and their day to day running will remain with the school management authorities. The State will retain legal ownership of all properties. It is intended that the new schools will be available at the end of 2002.
The progress made on these school projects, and on two other projects currently being developed at third level, demonstrate my strong commitment and that of my Department to the PPP process. I intend to harness the potential of PPPs and I am actively identifying other possible education PPP projects.