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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 13 Jun 1972

Vol. 261 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Social Welfare Scheme.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare if he is aware that clerical workers whose income exceeds £1,600 cannot remain within the social welfare scheme; and if he will indicate what proposals, if any, he has for extending the scheme to include clerical workers whose earnings exceed £1,600.

A clerical or other non-manual employee who ceases to be compulsorily insured under the Social Welfare Acts because his pay goes over the remuneration limit of £1,600 for compulsory insurance, may, provided he has paid at least 156 employment contributions, continue his insurance as a voluntary contributor for certain social insurance benefits.

As I have indicated on a number of occasions, I am anxious to have the remuneration limit abolished and compulsory social insurance extended to all employees. There are problems involved and I am not yet in a position to say when proposals for legislation in this matter will be made.

Would the Minister be in a position to state what constitutes a non-manual worker? Many technicians who use their hands at work are still called non-manual workers. Would the Minister state specifically what he means by non-manual workers?

I have nothing on definitions here.

The Minister referred in the reply to non-manual workers. This is another source of annoyance to workers who actually use their hands, technicians, such as telephone technicians. They are being deprived of the social benefits of the scheme because the Department say they are not manual workers.

I do not know if there is a statutory list of non-manual workers but, if there is, I have not got it here. Perhaps, if the Deputy asks a separate question he could get more information.

The question refers to clerical workers.
