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Junior cycle

Use these videos and lesson plans to teach junior cycle students about democracy and parliamentary politics in Ireland.

CSPE: A citizenship course | Exploring democracy


CSPE: A citizenship course | Exploring democracy

If you're teaching junior cycle CSPE this year, check out our new Exploring democracy series. We created it specially to cover most aspects of strand 3 of the new CSPE curriculum. Exploring democracy comprises 20 lesson plans, each with a slide show and printable worksheets, plus ready-to-go democracy action projects. We've even included a handy checklist so you can tick off each learning objective.

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Lesson plans

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As well as the CSPE Exploring Democracy series, we have more lesson plans and worksheets on junior cycle history and other topics related to Irish politics.

CSPE videos

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Our short videos are designed specially for junior cycle students. Use them as part of your own lessons or along with the CSPE Exploring democracy series.

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History lesson plan: Women's suffrage

This lesson looks at the lives, influence and impact of six leading activists in the struggle for women’s suffrage in Ireland. It explores how the experience of women in Irish society changed during the twentieth century.
