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Financial scrutiny by committees

Parliament has a fundamental role holding governments to account by scrutinising budgetary decisions and performance. There are four budgetary milestone engagements through the year providing for year-round scrutiny by sectoral committees.

  1. The Revised Estimates Volume (REV) in January/February
  2. The Public Service Performance Report (PSPR) in May/June
  3. The Mid-Year Expenditure Report in July or September
  4. The Supplementary Estimates in October/November

This calendar of budgetary engagements by committees was a key recommendation of the Final Report of the Committee on Budgetary Oversight on the framework for parliamentary engagement through the course of the budgetary cycle (February 2021). This report articulates a blueprint for enhanced financial and budgetary scrutiny by parliamentary committees.

Other elements of financial, pre-budget and post-budget scrutiny are undertaken by the Committee of Public Accounts (PAC) and Committee on Budgetary Oversight.

Role of committees in scrutinising Estimates

The (Abridged) Estimates | Mid October or on or before Budget day
Revised Estimates | Mid December
Further Revised Estimates | January-February
Supplementary Estimates | Usually November

Estimates | overview

An Estimate, also called a Vote (or voted expenditure), is the amount of money that a Government Department or agency proposes to spend in a given year. The Estimates process is Dáil Éireann's method to allow Departments to seek to withdraw funds from the Exchequer to meet the Government's spending obligations.

Estimates | process

Referral to committee
Committee consideration
Return to the Dáil and and report on committee consideration

Financial scrutiny | publications and resources

The Houses of the Oireachtas publishes several resources with a specific focus on the Estimates and budgetary processes.

Explaining the Estimates


Explaining the Estimates

Take a look at an in-depth guide to how the Estimates process works in the Oireachtas.

As part of the financial scrutiny process, committees may receive submissions comprising responses to queries on the Public Service Performance Report and other matters, produce reports themselves or engage with other stakeholders.

Correspondence relating to financial scrutiny

Fri, 16 Feb

Response from Department to Joint Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure And Reform, And Taoiseach | January 2024

Response from Department to Joint Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure And Reform, And Taoiseach | January 2024 ()

Wed, 8 Nov

Response from Department of Transport to the Joint Committee on Transport and Communications | November 2023

Response from Department of Transport to the Joint Committee on Transport and Communications | November 2023 ()

Tue, 17 Oct

Response from Department to Joint Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach | October 2023

Response from Department to Joint Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach | October 2023 ()

Further resources

Other committees may also engage with stakeholders and produce reports related to the Budget.
