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Tuesday, 12 Nov 2002

Vol. 1 No. 1

Election of Chairman.

Clerk to the Joint Committee

The first item is the nomination and election of chairman. I invite nominations for the position of chairman.

I propose Deputy Batt O'Keeffe.

I second that nomination.

Clerk to the Joint Committee

Are there any other nominations for the position of chairman? As there are no other nominations, I deem Deputy Batt O'Keeffe to be elected and ask him to take the chair.

DEPUTY BATT O'KEEFFE took the Chair.

I thank the committee for electing me. It is a great honour to be elected Chairman of any committee of the Oireachtas, but it is a particular honour to be elected Chairman of the Joint Committee on Health and Children. I look forward to working with all members. I hope there will be a genuine spirit of partnership and co-operation as was evident in the last committee. I hope we can combine our skills and enthusiasm and ensure this will be a highly productive committee that discharges its functions in an efficient and enlightened way.

I welcome members to the committee, particularly those who are newly elected to the Oireachtas. I pay tribute to the members of the former Joint Committee on Health and Children - I hope this committee will be equally effective. I anticipate that this committee will refer to and build on the work of the last committee's valuable work programme which identified the pertinent health issues which need to be addressed in society today. I will endeavour to be as fair and impartial as I can be to all members of the committee. A united approach in which all members contribute and feel their efforts are worthwhile will produce the best results.

I now call for nominations to the position of vice-chairperson.
