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Seanad Éireann debate -
Thursday, 24 Apr 1975

Vol. 80 No. 5

Order of Business.

It is proposed to take Nos. 1, 2 and 3 in that order.

As regards motions, it might help Senators to know that I mentioned on the last occasion that in regard to Motion No. 31 we had arranged to have it taken on 1st May. We have also been able to arrange to take Motion No. 22 on 15th May. I think Senators will appreciate that with the volume of business at the moment, while we certainly intend to go ahead with these dates, we have to say that it must be subject to the exigencies of Government legislation. It is certainly the intention to adhere to these dates.

Since the Leader of the House has mentioned the question of meeting here next Thursday to take this agricultural motion could he give us some indication as to which days next week the House will be sitting?

I think it is pretty certain that we will be sitting three days. It is likely that the days will be Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

I appreciate that we are on the Order of Business for today at the moment, but I think it would be a good thing to mention in advance that on Tuesday next there is a vital vote taking place in the European Parliament at Luxembourg. The vote is required in order to pass the annual budget including the sums payable to this country from the Regional Fund in the coming year. It is one of these votes for which a high proportion of the Members of the Parliament must be present, and certainly Senator Lenihan and I would feel it our duty to be present in Luxembourg in order to take part in that vote particularly in the light of the interest of this country in the Regional Fund. We will simply have to be in Luxembourg on Tuesday and that being so——

I am sure Senator Sanfey will be able with Senator Ryan to ensure that pairings will be available without any problem.

It is not a question of pairing. We know perfectly well that pairing in the House, as it is at present, is of no importance whatsoever. It is not a matter of pairing. If it is proposed to take next Tuesday this exceedingly important Bill that we are just about to take up now then, quite obviously, one has to be here. It is a matter of being able to take part in this debate in this House and to attend that debate. Pairing does not solve the problem at all.

I feel sure that if Senator Yeats puts that problem to his colleagues in the party they will arrange to let both himself and Senator Lenihan speak on the Bill today.

As one who is not going to the European Parliament but as one who appreciates the volume of work that our representatives are doing, I believe it is important that we have the best possible representatives there. The Regional Fund is being discussed and it is something which will affect this country. Therefore, the Government should ensure that the business of this House is so arranged as to allow our best representatives to be present in Brussels. The system of pairing is no solution to the problem.

I should like to support Senator Yeats and Senator Dolan. Implicit in the remarks of Senator O'Higgins was the assertion that our only function in this Chamber is to speak. It is also our function to listen. On a matter of this importance it is extremely urgent and relevant that those who intend to participate should have the opportunity, not just of speaking but of hearing the views of the other side. It is an extremely functional view of the debate to say that these Senators may speak and then depart.

I should certainly be open to persuasion on that argument from Senator Martin, if he could give me an assurance that Senator Yeats' and Senator Lenihan's minds were also open to persuasion on the content of the Bill.

They are not. Senator O'Higgins mentioned that a motion would be taken on 15th May. In view of the current row in the Cabinet over the allocation of money for education, can Senator O'Higgins guarantee us that the House will, in fact, sit on 15th May?

I do not know whether that is a plea for a general election but, if it is, it should be addressed to another quarter. I feel nobody on this side of the House would hesitate to oblige if they had the opportunity.

Stop the playacting.

I should like to ask the Leader of the House if it is proposed to sit tomorrow?

I thought in view of the petrol crisis we would have the opportunity of getting home early.

I must say that the excuses which are being offered now for not sitting would tax the ingenuity of most people. There was a time when we heard nothing from the other side of the House but why we did not sit more often

I want to make it quite clear that I am not suggesting that we should reduce the number of sittings; I am merely suggesting that we could meet on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday instead of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. It is a matter of flexibility which appears to be absent.

There is little hope of this matter being determined by a discussion on the Order of Business and I suggest that it be discussed outside the Chamber.

Order of Business agreed to.