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Special Committee Friendly Societies (Amendment) Bill, 1952 debate -
Wednesday, 4 Mar 1953

Election of Chairman

Mr. Lynch

I move that Deputy Gallagher take the Chair.

I second that.

Deputy Gallagher took the Chair.

The first business is procedure generally. One matter to be considered is whether the Press should be present at the meetings of the Committee.

It might be as well if we had the meetings open to the Press. It does not very much matter in regard to this Bill, but from the point of view of general principle the Press should be invited to attend these meetings.

I agree with you on the question of principle.

We had not the Press present at the Special Committee on the Defence Bill.

We decided not to, but I think we made a mistake. As a result of our experience in connection with the Defence Bill, I think we should have the Press present at these committees. It is just as well to set a right precedent.

Ordered: That the meetings of the Committee be open to the Press.

The next business is to fix the latest date for receiving amendments.

Suppose we say this day fortnight? Has the Parliamentary Secretary his amendments ready?

Mr. Lynch

I have them ready. They have been drafted by the parliamentary draftsman.

I suggest that the members of the Committee should look up the Friendly Societies Act of 1896.

If we want different control of friendly societies, in the sense of how they are controlled by the State, will we be permitted to bring in amendments to this Bill?

This Bill deals only with the question of nominations. At the moment a person can only nominate up to a sum of £100 and Deputy Cowan proposes that that should be increased to £300.

There are a number of consequential amendments which the Parliamentary Secretary is bringing in.

If some of us have knowledge of existing faults in connection with friendly societies, I think we should try to remedy them.

Can we do that under this Bill?

I do not see why we cannot. Everyone knows that from time to time poor people join these friendly societies and pay in sums of money. Then they suddenly find that there are no funds in the society and their only redress is to report the matter to the Department of Industry and Commerce under which the friendly societies function. Then the Department of Industry and Commerce arranges for the affairs of the society to be examined and have it wound up. Societies should send in a certified balance sheet every year to show that the funds are intact.

The Deputy may be mixing up tontine societies with friendly societies. They do come under this Act, but the position about this Bill is that it is limited in its scope. It deals with money. At present you can only nominate up to a sum of £100 and it is proposed to increase that to £300.

Is it under this Act that a tontine society operates?

If any member wishes to bring in an amendment he can put it down and it can be ruled on.

Mr. Lynch

On the question of amendments being ruled out of order, have we power to alter the short Title of the Bill in order to bring in these amendments?

A lot will depend on the Minister. If the Minister is agreeable to the bringing in of amendments, we will have no trouble at all.

Mr. Lynch

The Minister is anxious to have all consequential amendments in and, as well as that, to remove other anomalies and it would be a pity if the short Title precluded that being done.

I think we can get over that.

Can we deal with the sections dealing with the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands? We will have to take these out.

There are companies in the Channel Islands doing business. They are English companies, but they operate from the Channel Islands. I suggest that the best thing would be to receive the amendments and then consider them. It has been suggested that the latest date for receiving amendments should be this day fortnight.

Ordered: That the latest date for receiving amendments be Wednesday, 18th March.

In the meantime every effort will be made to supply members with a copy of the Act of 1896.

They can go to the Library and look at it.

Ordered: That the next meeting of the Committee be held on Thursday, 26th March, at 4 p.m.
The Committee adjourned until Thursday, 26th March, at 4 p.m.