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3979 result in Acts (enacted Bills)

3979 result in Acts (enacted Bills)

Page 197 of 199

18 Feb 1924

Dáil Éireann Loans and Funds Act , 1924

No. 3 of 1924

Dáil Éireann Loans and Funds Bill, 1923

No. 59 of 1923

31 Jan 1924

Public Safety (Powers of Arrest and Detention) Temporary Act , 1924

No. 1 of 1924

Public Safety (Powers of Arrest and Detention) Temporary Bill, 1923

No. 62 of 1923

28 Dec 1923

Gaming Act , 1923

No. 50 of 1923

Gaming Bill, 1923

No. 54 of 1923

28 Dec 1923

Local Elections Postponement (Amendment) Act , 1923

No. 48 of 1923

Local Elections Postponement (Amendment) Bill, 1923

No. 56 of 1923

28 Dec 1923

Local Authorities (Indemnity) Act , 1923

No. 49 of 1923

Local Authorities (Indemnity) Bill, 1923

No. 57 of 1923

28 Dec 1923

Interpretation Act , 1923

No. 46 of 1923

Interpretation Bill, 1923

No. 58 of 1923

28 Dec 1923

Expiring Laws Act , 1923

No. 47 of 1923

Expiring Laws Bill, 1923

No. 61 of 1923

31 Oct 1923

County Courts (Amendment) Act , 1923

No. 45 of 1923

County Courts (Amendment) Bill, 1923

No. 49 of 1923

31 Oct 1923

Licensing (Renewal of Licences) Act , 1923

No. 44 of 1923

Licensing (Renewal of Licences) Bill, 1923

No. 50 of 1923

11 Aug 1923

Public Safety (Emergency Powers) (No. 2) Act 1923

No. 29 of 1923

Public Safety (Emergency Powers) (No. 2) Bill 1923

No. 43 of 1923

9 Aug 1923

Land Act , 1923

No. 42 of 1923

Land Bill, 1923

No. 24 of 1923

9 Aug 1923

Damage to Property (Amendment) Act , 1923

No. 43 of 1923

Damage to Property (Amendment) Bill, 1923

No. 47 of 1923

8 Aug 1923

Dáil Éireann Courts (Winding-Up) Act , 1923

No. 36 of 1923

Dáil Éireann Courts (Winding-Up) Bill, 1923

No. 33 of 1923

8 Aug 1923

The Prevention of Electoral Abuses Act , 1923

No. 38 of 1923

The Prevention of Electoral Abuses Bill, 1923

No. 32 of 1923

8 Aug 1923

Superannuation and Pensions Act , 1923

No. 34 of 1923

Superannuation and Pensions Bill, 1923

No. 34 of 1923

8 Aug 1923

Civil Service Regulation Act , 1923

No. 35 of 1923

Civil Service Regulation Bill, 1923

No. 35 of 1923

8 Aug 1923

Finance (No. 2) Act , 1923

No. 32 of 1923

Finance (No. 2) Bill, 1923

No. 37 of 1923

8 Aug 1923

League of Nations (Guarantee) Act , 1923

No. 41 of 1923

League of Nations (Guarantee) Bill, 1923

No. 44 of 1923

8 Aug 1923

Dyestuffs (Import Regulation) Repeal Act , 1923

No. 39 of 1923

Dyestuffs (Import Regulation) Repeal Bill, 1923

No. 45 of 1923

8 Aug 1923

Valuation (Postponement of Revision) Act , 1923

No. 40 of 1923

Valuation (Postponement of Revision) Bill, 1923

No. 46 of 1923
