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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 16 Nov 1922

Vol. 1 No. 29


I beg to move this Estimate, amounting to £220,000. Before moving it I would like to make a short statement, as questions have been asked and allegations have been made as to the purpose of this Vote. I wish to make it perfectly clear that not a penny of this money has been or is being spent on espionage, or in connection with the present police force or military operations. This money was required for a particular service which has now been brought to an end. I do not think that the whole of that sum will be required, and I think there will be a saving in respect of it, and that the item will not appear on the Estimates of the Saorstát.

Motion made and question put: "That the Dáil in Committee, having considered the Estimates for Secret Service, in 1922-23, and having passed a Vote on Account of £150,000 for the period to the 6th December, 1922, recommend that the full Estimate of £220,000 for the Financial Year. 1922-23, be adopted in due course by the Oireachtas."

