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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 7 Dec 1922

Vol. 2 No. 2


To ask the President if his attention has been drawn to a Resolution recently passed by the Institute of Architects of Ireland, putting on record its conviction that the partially destroyed public buildings of Dublin, such as the Custom House and the Four Courts, should be most carefully preserved and, as far as possible, restored to their former condition, and that, in the meantime, all necessary steps should be taken to protect the walls and structure generally from injury by weather or otherwise, until restoration is possible? And to ask, further, what measures are being taken to attend to these matters?

The Resolution in question has been brought to my notice. The necessity of the preservation from weather of the remains of the Custom House, the Four Courts, and the Post Office, has not been lost sight of by the Government. Inspections have been made by the Board of Works from time to time, and it has been definitely ascertained that no appreciable injury has so far occurred from the effects of the weather to those parts of the ruined structures which there is a reasonable possibility of preserving. The question of reconstructing the buildings in whole or in part is a very large question which is receiving the careful consideration of the Government.
