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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 25 Jul 1923

Vol. 4 No. 17


I beg to move: "That a sum not exceeding £4,899 be granted to complete the sum necessary to defray the charge which will come in the course of payment during the year ending on the 31st day of March, 1924, for the salaries and expenses of the President and Office of the Executive Council."

The sum of £2,500 had been already voted on account.

Perhaps the Minister will explain more fully the reference in the footnote (a) as to the position of the Assistant Secretary; it does not seem quite clear.

In that particular case the Assistant Secretary, who is Acting Secretary for a great number of months, was formerly a Civil Servant in the Department of Agriculture, and the amount down here is the difference between the salary he would have had as an official of the Department of Agriculture and what he gets as Assistant Secretary. That is the reason for the distinction drawn there. In the other case the difference between the two Votes, which is a remarkable difference, is due to the fact that the salary of the President is down in this particular Vote for the first time. I do not think it was down at all last year, and was probably included in the cost of the Ministry of Finance. Coming in there now it tips the balance in the wrong direction.

Question put and agreed to.