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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 5 Dec 1923

Vol. 5 No. 18


asked the Minister for Defence whether he will state what soldiers (if any) have permission to carry arms when off duty; what steps are taken to see that soldiers who have not such permission do not take arms out of barracks except when going on duty; whether there is any regulation whereby a soldier when returning off duty must deliver up any arms he may have carried when on duty and give a strict account of all ammunition served out to him when going on such duty; further, whether in view of the many regrettable occurrences due to the carrying of arms by soldiers off duty, the Minister will impress on all concerned the necessity for a strict observance of the regulations governing the carrying of arms.

No soldier has permission to carry arms when off duty except in very special cases, when the Provost Marshal issues the necessary authority. Military policemen on duty at all exit gates from barracks have instructions to search any soldier suspected of being in unauthorised possession of arms; soldiers returning off duty are not required to give up their arms, but they must give a strict account of all ammunition issued to them when going on duty. Instructions are issued from time to time impressing on all ranks the necessity for a strict observance of the regulations governing the carrying of arms.
