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Dáil Éireann debate -
Friday, 4 Jul 1924

Vol. 8 No. 5


asked the Minister for Finance if he is aware that a number of customs watchers at North Wall are under notice of dismissal at an early date; that there is an increased amount of work in their department, and if, in view of this, he will see that their notice is withdrawn.

The men who have been given notice are casual extra men employed on a daily basis. In pursuance of the definite policy of the Government to give as much employment as possible to ex-members of the Army any staff in this grade that may be required to meet additional work will be recruited from such men and I regret that I am not prepared to cause the notices of discharge to be withdrawn. None of the men concerned has served in the National Forces.

Am I to understand from the President that his remedy for employment is to dismiss 11 or 12 married men, who have eighteen months' and two years' service, to make room for others who may not be married or have the same responsibilities?

I have not given the Deputy to understand that that is my panacea.

Might I ask would not that be the assumption from his answer to this question, that he has dismissed 12 men to make room for 12 others, having no regard to the fact that they have had eighteen months' and two years' service?

I do not know what assumption the Deputy may take from my answer, but it is a fact that we are carrying out our obligations to those who have rendered service to the nation.

Has the State no obligations towards civilians?

I give notice that I will raise this matter on the adjournment, or at the earliest possible moment. I think it is most unfair treatment of civilians.

The Deputy cannot make a speech now.
