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Dáil Éireann debate -
Friday, 4 Jul 1924

Vol. 8 No. 5


Progress reported. The Committee to sit again on Tuesday.

In what order are the Estimates to be taken next week?

The Estimates will be taken all day on Monday.

The Dáil is sitting on Monday?

Yes; I announced that yesterday. I proposed to take 48 and 49, and possibly the Police Estimate. I do not propose to take 57 unless the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs is here. I propose to take them generally in the order in which they are down until they are concluded.

In addition to bringing Deputies back on Monday, does the President also propose that we sit until 10.30 every night?

I think so.

Can the President say at this stage whether the Intoxicating Liquor Bill is to be taken on Tuesday, as was originally intended? He is bound to have a full house if he can announce the date.

I would not like to get them in on false pretences. I think the Minister for Justice made a statement on that to-day, but he is not in a position to say until he has concluded his conference with Deputies, who have down amendments, as to how far it is possible for him to find accommodation.

I think that has been settled. That conference was summoned this morning.

Can the President say if there will be any other business on Monday and Tuesday except the Estimates?

Yes. We have several stages of Bills for Tuesday and on Monday there will be the Estimates. I move the adjournment until 3 o'clock.
