This is a copy of a resolution which has been passed by the Executive Council and which, in the opinion of the Executive Council, ought to be placed before the Dáil:—
"The Executive Council, being aware that large numbers of persons have been or are likely to be apprehended in respect of crimes committed or alleged to have been committed by them during the period hereinafter mentioned and having considered the reports of police and other officers responsible for the maintenance of law and order, is of opinion that no useful purpose would be served by the institution or continuance of prosecutions in respect of criminal acts committed or alleged to have been committed between the 6th day of December, 1921, and the 12th day of May, 1923, in any case in which it appears that the act was committed or purported to be committed in connection, directly or indirectly, with the state of rebellion and public disturbances created by the recent attempt to overthrow by force the lawfully established Government of Saorstát Eireann (including the Provisional Government), whether such connection arises from the act having been or purporting to have been committed in the course of the said rebellion and public disturbances or in aid or furtherance of the same or in the course or in aid or furtherance of the suppression of the said rebellion and public disturbances, and the Executive Council hereby declare and puts on record its considered opinion that the highest interests of the State and the promotion of the reign of law and order now happily restored would best be served by the responsible officers of the State discontinuing or refraining from instituting criminal proceedings in any such case as aforesaid, and, so far as it lawfully may so do, the Executive Council directs all officers of the State concerned in the administration of the law to act in accordance with the views hereinbefore expressed."