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Dáil Éireann debate -
Friday, 20 Nov 1925

Vol. 13 No. 8


asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce whether any application has been made to his Department to have the coalfield at Baurnafea, Co. Kilkenny, tested by borings, and whether he is aware that this coalfield was worked eighty years ago and the coal found there was of good quality, and, further, whether seeing that unemployment is prevalent in the district, he will undertake to have boring operations carried out at an early date.

An application was received in my Department and arrangements have been made for an Inspector to visit the district and furnish a report. The inspection will take place on Wednesday, next week. I shall be glad to communicate the result to the Deputy. The inspection will give an indication as to previous workings and the present prospects of the deposit. As regards the concluding part of the question, I have not at my disposal any funds available for the purpose of such boring operations.
