I move that the Dáil sit later than 8.30 p.m. in order to discharge the business on the Order Paper.
Is the Dáil to sit to any period? Is that to be indicated in the motion?
I do not intend to fix any period. I want to give sufficient time to Deputies to discuss the matter on the Order Paper.
Before the business is taken up, I want to know if my question on private notice, dealing with Articles 3 and 4 of the supplementary agreement, will be answered in anticipation of a statement by the President?
I do not propose to allow any questions on the occasion of a sitting like this. I think Deputy Heffernan's question is bound to arise when the President makes his statement. The Deputy can ask the question on the President's statement. That will amount to the same thing. The question now before the House is that the Dáil sit later than 8.30 p.m.