asked the President whether the Executive Council has considered a proposal to participate in the British Industries Fair to be held next February, and, if so, what decision has been reached.
The Minister for Lands and Agriculture and the Minister for Industry and Commerce have considered a proposal that the Irish Free State would participate in the British Industries Fair, 1926. They made enquiries among producers and manufacturers, and as little or no desire to take part in the Fair was evidenced by them, it is not intended to proceed with the proposal.
Is it to be understood that the decision as to non-participation in the Fair is final and irrevocable?
If sufficient would-be exhibitors come forward in time, the Departments of Agriculture and of Industry and Commerce will be very glad to re-consider the position. There is, however, only a very short period of time available now. The Fair, I understand, is to take place about mid-February, and it would take some little time to make the necessary arrangements for the exhibitors. It would be advisable and necessary, if the matter were to be re-considered, that information as regards would-be exhibitors should be supplied without delay.