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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 25 Mar 1926

Vol. 14 No. 18


The Dáil went into Committee to consider amendments from the Seanad to the Street Trading Bill, 1925.

I desire to ask the Committee to accept all the amendments that have been made to this Bill by the Seanad. They were, in fact, amendments put forward at my own request in the Seanad. The first amendment was inserted because there was some doubt as to whether the original definition of the Council of the County Borough of Dublin would include the Commissioners. This amendment was introduced to make it clear that the powers vested in the Corporation under the Act would apply to and be exercisable by the Commissioners. The second amendment deletes the words "residing in the City of Dublin" from sub-section (1), Section 3. It was thought the restriction in the granting of a street trader's certificate to a person residing in the City of Dublin might entail hardship to persons engaged in street trading, as it has been ascertained that many of the street traders reside outside the city bounds. This amendment is introduced to remove the residence qualification for the purpose of obtaining a street trader's certificate. The effect of the third amendment is to make it discretionary for the Corporation to grant a stall trader's licence. Under the Bill it was mandatory to grant such a licence to every holder of a street trader's certificate. Representations were made as to the necessity for allowing discretion in the matter, and it was thought reasonable to do so. The fourth amendment has the effect of protecting street traders from proceedings for selling elsewhere than in a market after the market has been opened. This protection has already been given to hawkers and pedlars, and as a street trader will carry on business in the street it is considered that he should be protected. I beg to move the acceptance of these amendments:—

1. In Section 1, line 31, after the word "Dublin" the following words inserted: "and includes any person in whom the powers and duties of that Council are for the time being vested."

2. In Section 3 (1), line 26, the words "residing in the City of Dublin" deleted.

3. In Section 4 (1), line 65, the word "shall" deleted and the word "may" substituted therefor.

4. In Section 12 (1), line 8, after the word "right" the following words inserted: "or brought under the Markets and Fairs Clauses Act, 1847."

In connection with the second amendment, I would like to know will it have any effect on areas other than Dublin?

It will have the effect of removing the residence qualification.

Question put and agreed to.
The Dáil went out of Committee.
Agreement with Seanad amendments reported.

I move that the Dáil agree with the Committee in its report.

Question put and agreed to.
Ordered: That a message be sent to the Seanad accordingly.
The Dáil went into Committee on Finance.