I move:—
That the Special Order made by the Minister for Industry and Commerce under the Electricity Supply Acts 1882 to 1919 and the Electricity Commissioners (Transfer of Functions) Order, 1924, in respect of the Urban District of Letterkenny, in the County of Tirconaill, which was presented on Tuesday, 15th June, 1926, be approved.
This Order was made on the 8th June, 1926, to authorise the Letterkenny Urban District Council to generate and supply electricity within its area. The council at present supplies gas to the Letterkenny Urban District, but owing to the decrease in the demand for gas, due to the installation of private electrical plants, the council is now unable to continue the supply of gas except at an unreasonably high price. The present price of gas in Letterkenny is 12/6 per 1,000 cubic feet, and if the gas works are to be continued a further substantial increase of price would have to be made. The council has accordingly applied for authority to supply electricity in lieu of gas, and the majority of gas consumers in the district have signed an agreement to take a supply of electricity.