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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 25 Jan 1927

Vol. 18 No. 1


asked the Minister for Finance whether he is aware that the late Mr. John Hastings (Peter), of Derryherbert, Westport, Co. Mayo, died as a result of the treatment which, it is alleged, he had received from British Forces after the Carrow-kennedy ambush in March, 1921; whether he is also aware that Mr. Hastings has left a widow and four orphans who were solely dependent on him; whether his widow has made application for compensation; whether any inquiries were made as a result of the receipt of this application, and, if so, what is the result of those inquiries.

No application has been received in respect of the death of the person named by the Deputy. An application was made by Mr. Hastings on the 9th July, 1923, for compensation in respect of personal injuries stated to have been sustained by him on the 24th March, 1921, and this application was investigated by the Compensation (Personal Injuries) Committee in accordance with their terms of reference. After careful consideration of the facts of the case, as contained in the application form and medical certificate submitted and as otherwise presented to them, the Committee found that the injuries sustained were not serious or such as would affect the applicant's health to any great extent. They accordingly recommended that no compensation should be paid. This decision was conveyed to the applicant's solicitor on the 14th November, 1924.

As the Deputy is doubtless aware, the Committee has long since ceased to function and there is now no machinery for dealing with applications of this kind.
