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Dáil Éireann debate -
Friday, 12 Aug 1927


asked the Minister for Finance if he will state why the permission given to Mr. Michael McGovern, hotel proprietor, of Garrison, to cross the Border at Belleek into Saorstát Eireann, in his private motor car, was summarily withdrawn about the 1st day of June last.

In September, 1925, Mr. McGovern was granted the privilege of temporarily importing the motor car in question into Saorstát Eireann without payment of duty under the Motor Cars (Temporary Importation) Regulations, 1916 and 1921. This privilege lapsed when the Motor Cars (Temporary Importation) Regulations, 1926, came into force, and in May last Mr. McGovern applied for similar privileges under the new Regulations, declaring in his application that the purpose for which he intended to enter Saorstát Eireann was to visit friends. Pending completion of the usual formalities Mr. McGovern was allowed to cross the frontier on the pass originally issued to him. On 2nd June he entered Saorstát Eireann at Cloghore with two passengers, guests at his hotel, one of whom stated that payment for the drive would be made to Mr. McGovern in due course. Under the Regulations motor vehicles imported in such circumstances which are not registered as hackney vehicles with the proper authority in Northern Ireland can only be admitted on payment of duty. Mr. McGovern's car is not so registered, and in view of the use made of the vehicle his pass was retained.

If the passenger who was in Mr. McGovern's car makes a statement on oath that he did not pay his fare but was Mr. McGovern's guest, would that satisfy the Minister?

That would be a matter for consideration, and I think he should produce whatever evidence he can to the Revenue Commissioners.
