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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 28 Mar 1928

Vol. 22 No. 17


asked the Minister for Finance whether he is aware that the National Teachers' salary agreement of 1920 contained a clause under which an annual bonus was to be paid to the "old First of First Class" teachers, provided the Commissioners of National Education were satisfied that these teachers had fulfilled certain educational qualifications; that, although the Commissioners expressed themselves as so satisfied and recommended the payment of this bonus, it was, in fact, never paid; whether representations have been made from time to time without avail on behalf of the very small body of teachers concerned, and whether the Minister is now prepared to reconsider the matter, with a view to allowing the terms of the salary agreement to operate in regard to these teachers.

Provision for the consideration of an award of bonus to the class of teachers referred to was included in the agreement mentioned.

Proposals for the grant of bonus were put forward by the Commissioners of National Education prior to the change of Government but consideration was deferred by the British Treasury on financial grounds. Since the transfer of functions similar proposals have on two occasions been put forward by the Department of Education which I have felt unable to entertain in view of the increasing demands for expenditure on educational services of a more essential kind which within the resources at our disposal must have preference. I can see no prospect of my being in a position to take a more favourable view.
