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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 16 May 1928

Vol. 23 No. 13


The Dáil went into Committee on Finance.

I move:—

Go bhfuil sé oiriúnach a údarú go n-íocfar amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas aon chostaisí fé n-a raghfar chun aon Acht do chur in éifeacht a rithfar sa tSiosón so chun tuille síne do dhéanamh ar an aimsir ina bhféadar comhachta áirithe d'fheidhmiú a bronnadh ar Choimisinéirí na nOibreacha Puiblí in Eirinn leis an Acht Ghárda Síochána (Aitribh do Sholáthar), 1923.

That it is expedient to authorise payment out of moneys to be provided by the Oireachtas of any expenses incurred in carrying into effect any Act of the present Session to extend further the time during which certain powers conferred on the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland by the Civic Guard (Acquisition of Premises) Act, 1923, may be exercised.

The expense in connection with this matter will be infinitesimal. The Bill renews the existing Act for another year. The existing Act has had to be used very seldom. Its powers have not so far been applied to any person.

Resolution put and agreed to.
The Dáil went out of Committee.
Resolution reported and agreed to.