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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 21 Jun 1928

Vol. 24 No. 8


asked the Minister for Lands and Agriculture whether he is aware that the Limerick County Council, in the year 1926-27, struck and collected a rate of one farthing in the pound for the purpose of awarding prizes at the Show Sales of dairy shorthorn cattle in the county, and that his Department has refused sanction for the application of the proceeds of this rate for the purpose for which it was collected; whether his Department has received any complaints from the ratepayers of Co. Limerick as to the striking of the rate; and, if not, whether he will reconsider his decision in the matter, in view of the fact that the money is still unexpended.

The rate levied in 1926-27 for Agriculture and Technical Instruction purposes by the County Limerick County Council was not increased over the rate struck for such purposes in the preceding year. No special proposals for the utilisation, for the purpose indicated in the question under reply, of the additional money thus placed at the disposal of the County Committee of Agriculture were submitted to the Department by the Committee. The Committee's general programme for 1927-28 included however, a subsidy of £20 to a show or sale to be held by the County Limerick Branch of the Irish Dairy Shorthorn Breeders' Society, which was duly approved. The Committee, however, proposed on 23rd November, 1927, that a further grant of £50 should be made in respect of this show and sale of cattle which had been held over six months previously. On a full consideration of the facts the Department of Agriculture were satisfied that they would not be justified in approving of this proposal, but on further representation by the Committee they ultimately sanctioned an increase of £15 in the subsidy already approved. No complaints except from those immediately concerned in this matter have been received by the Department.

Will the Minister consider sanctioning the rate for the prizes given at the Show?


I do not know the circumstances. When I get all the facts I will consider it.
