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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 18 Oct 1928

Vol. 26 No. 5


asked the Minister for Lands and Fisheries whether he can state if the Land Commission have acquired the lands known as the P.A.G. Grehan Estate, Carnacon, Co. Mayo, for distribution amongst the small landholders in the above district; and whether he will state when the claims of the following small holders will be satisfied by giving them economic holdings of land:—Mrs. Bridget Kilcoyne, Miss Bridget Kilcoyne, James Grehan, Michael Murphy, John Reilly, and Richard Quinn.

The lands referred to appear to be the holding of Mrs. Mary A. Grehan in the townland of Carrownacon and Lawarreen, on the estate of Sir Robert Lynch Blosse, County Mayo, which is the subject of proceedings under the Land Act, 1923, and the question of the retention and resumption of this holding is under consideration. The cases of the sub-tenants and occupiers of small holdings in the neighbourhood will be duly considered.

A petition from those people has been lodged for some time and will the Parliamentary Secretary state whether any steps have been taken in the matter?

asked the Minister for Lands and Fisheries whether it is the intention of the Land Commission to acquire the lands known as the Carrahane Farm, Ballyveal, Ballyhaunis, Co. Mayo, owned by Mr. Martin Curran; whether he is aware that a petition on behalf of tenants living on uneconomic holdings in the adjoining townlands of Carramack, Moate, and Knockanarra was lodged with the Land Commission a considerable time ago; and whether he will state what steps, if any, have been taken to deal with the matter.

On the 17th July last a list giving the names and the particulars of 25 tenants of small holdings who desired to obtain parcels of the lands of Carrahane held by Mr. Martin Curran, was forwarded by the Deputy. There is no townland named Carrahane in the official list of townlands, but the lands referred to are probably one of the holdings situate respectively in the townlands of Carrowhawney and Ballykinava purchased by Mr. Martin Curran under the Land Purchase Acts and subject to Land Purchase annuities.

Proceedings have been instituted under the Land Act, 1923, for the acquisition of the lands of Ballykinava, comprising 452a. 3r. 10p., and the owner has applied for an alternative holding by way of exchange. His application is at present under consideration.

Will the Parliamentary Secretary say how often were the lands inspected in the last five years and how often has the same question had to be asked in this House?

I could not answer the Deputy as to that, but I should say that the inspections could not have been nearly so numerous as the Deputy's questions.

asked the Minister for Lands and Fisheries whether he can state what steps have been taken in the case of the lands of Mr. Thomas O'Brien, Knocktemple, Ennis, Co. Clare, Record No. V. 3847.

Thomas O'Brien offered his holdings in Knocktemple and Shallee in exchange for a holding of equivalent value in County Clare. His holdings have been inspected and valued. An exchange was offered to Thomas O'Brien on the Dunboyne estate at Knopoge, County Clare, which he did not accept. The Commissioners do not propose to take any further action for the present.
