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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 1 May 1929

Vol. 29 No. 10

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Athlone Soldier's Death.

asked the Minister for Defence whether Coy. Sergt. Joseph Daly (A.M.C.) contracted pleurisy in May, 1924, while stationed in Athlone, from which he developed pulmonary tuberculosis; whether he was sent to Curragh Hospital in August, 1925, and removed to St. Bricin's Hospital in December, 1925; whether he was discharged from hospital in January, 1926, in a dying condition, being previously discharged from the Army in December, 1925, and whether his relatives received any gratuity or payment for nursing him until he died in April, 1926, or for his burial, and if no payment was made whether the Minister is prepared to reconsider the case.

The late Company-Sergeant Joseph Daly was a patient in the Military Hospital at Athlone from the 11th May, 1925, to the 3rd June, 1925, suffering from pleurisy and bronchitis, and again from the 14th August, 1925, to the 29th August, 1925, suffering from pleurisy. He was again admitted to that hospital on the 14th September, 1925, suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis, and was transferred to the General Military Hospital, Curragh Camp, on the same date. He remained there until the 30th December, 1925, on which date he was transferred to St. Bricin's Hospital. On the same date his discharge from the Forces was effected on the grounds of medical unfitness. He received treatment until the 30th January, 1926, when he was discharged from St. Bricin's Hospital at his own request, having declined to undergo treatment in a sanatorium. No payment was made to his relatives in respect of his death. The case did not come within the provisions of the Army Pensions Act, 1923, and Mr. Daly died prior to the enactment of the Army Pensions Act, 1927.

I may say that on 3rd March last year a question relative to this man was asked by Deputy Corish, and arising out of this question I went very fully into the matter, but as a result, I regret to say that it is not practicable to make any payment of the nature referred to by the Deputy.
