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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 31 Jul 1929

Vol. 31 No. 6

Pier and Harbour Provisional Order Confirmation Bill, 1929. - Motion by Minister for Industry and Commerce.

I move:—

That notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Standing Orders relative to Private Business, leave be given to take all stages of the Pier and Harbour Provisional Order Confirmation Bill, 1929, to-day.

I am moving this motion because the matter to which it refers, the Pier and Harbour Provisional Order Confirmation Bill, has already been given a vast amount of publicity. It originated by the promotion of a Provisional Order by the Buncrana Urban District Council. Arising out of that order a public inquiry was held, and witnesses were heard for the particular Order then promoted, and evidence was taken against it. That Provisional Order, differing in some respects from that promoted by the Buncrana District Council in the first instance, was prepared and in accordance with the regulations that had to be deposited and public notice given by advertisement of the deposit and time allowed for objections to be taken. There were no objections taken during the time stated in the advertisement. The Order itself follows the model which has been brought up to date from time to time by additions here and there. The matter, therefore, has received a large amount of publicity. An opportunity has been given in full for discussion and objections, and the actual form of the Order follows the recognised model. There is no reason to anticipate a debate on the details of the Order, and I do not anticipate any objection to the actual measure. Accordingly, I now move this motion.

Question put and agreed to.