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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 30 Apr 1930

Vol. 34 No. 9

Written Answers. - Abnormal Expenditure During 1929-30.

asked the Minister for Finance to state the actual expenditure classified as abnormal which was made during the financial year 1929-30, in respect of the following matters:—(I) Vote 8: Local Loans Fund; (II) Vote 11: Public Works and Buildings, in respect of the purchase of sites and buildings, new works, alterations and additions, and provision for premises commandeered by the Army; (III) Vote 14: Property Losses Compensation; (IV) Vote 52: Department of Agriculture, Sub-heads F5 and F6; Sub-head M4; (V) Vote 53: Forestry; (VI) Vote 55: Land Commission, Sub-head 1; (VII) Vote 65: Army Pensions; (VIII) Repayable advance required for compensation for licences abolished under the Intoxicating Liquor Act, and (IX) Central Fund Services, for repayment of Dáil Eireann Internal Loan, and for an advance to the Agricultural Credit Corporation.

The exact particulars asked for by the Deputy will not be available until the Appropriation Accounts have been rendered, but on the basis of the best information at my disposal the approximate figures for expenditure during the year 1929-30 under the various heads of Abnormal Expenditure are as follows:—


Vote 8. Local Loans Fund


,,11. Sites, new works, etc.


,,14. Property Losses Compensation


Vote 52. Department of Agriculture:


Subhead F.5


,, F.6


,, M.4


,,53. Forestry


,,55. Land Commission


,,65. Army Pensions


,,69. Advances for compensation under the Intoxicating Liquor Act


Central Fund Services:—

Repayment of Dáil Internal Loan


Purchase of shares of the Agricultural Credit Corporation


Advances made to the Agricultural Credit Corporation



