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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 21 May 1930

Vol. 34 No. 18

Lough Foyle Fisheries.

According to Standing Order 27 I beg leave to move the adjournment of the Dáil for the purpose of discussing a matter of urgent public importance, namely, the possibility of disturbance on Lough Foyle arising out of the illegal activities of the Foyle and Bann Fishery Company's agents and the inactivity of the Government in this connection.

The Standing Order provides for decision by the Chair as to whether the matter desired to be raised is a definite matter of urgent public importance. A question regarding Lough Foyle was raised here nearly a year ago. I received notice just now of the Deputy's intention to avail of the provisions of the Standing Order, but the Deputy has adduced no evidence that would indicate that the matter is now a definite one of urgent public importance, for the purpose of the Standing Order.

I will state that now. I have read a report in to-day's "Irish Independent" of a meeting of the Moville Board of Conservators at which a resolution was passed dealing with the unsatisfactory state of affairs regarding the territorial aspect of the waters of Lough Foyle and reference was made in the course of speeches to the possibility of force being utilised. I think, in view of all that, a grave situation might arise and it is for that reason that I move the adjournment of the Dáil for the purpose of discussing this very important matter.

I do not think it is sufficient for the Deputy to bring to my notice the passing of a resolution, and a reference to the effect that somebody at a future date is going to use force; that, in the view of the Chair, is not sufficient to permit of the Standing Order being brought into operation. I suggest that as soon as the resolution has reached the Government, the Deputy should put down a question on the matter; and, following any reply which may be given, he can either raise the matter on the adjournment that day. or endeavour again to have Standing Order 27 put into operation; or he might raise the matter on the adjournment this evening.

If I could have an assurance from the Minister that he is taking steps to protect the interests of the fishermen and the rights of the people of Donegal in relation to the fishing of the waters of Lough Foyle, that would end the question.

I will allow the Deputy to put a question to-morrow to the Minister, on private notice.

About this time last year fishermen fishing on the Foyle under licence from the Moville Board of Conservators were attacked and assaulted; in some cases they were beaten by agents of the Foyle and Bann Fishery Company. These fishermen were exercising rights guaranteed to them by Free State law, but no attempt was made to protect them by the Free State Government. A similar situation may arise in the very near future. One matter of urgent public importance that should be discussed is the action the Government proposes to take to protect the fishermen who exercise their rights in accordance with the licences issued to them by the Moville Board of Conservators.

May I point out that this is of sufficient urgency to be discussed to-day. As Deputy Lemass and Deputy Blaney pointed out, it was discussed here upwards of a year ago and we were assured then that the matter was under consideration. The summer fishing on Lough Foyle is about to commence, and in view of that there is a great danger of disorder taking place and it is the duty of this House to give consideration to the question now.

When is fishing going to start?

In three weeks' time.

The whole matter hinges upon the word "now." The matter was last raised under this procedure on July 30th, 1929. The Chair is unable to hold that the claim to move the adjournment should be acceded to on the evidence now produced. If Deputy Blaney cares to put down a question for to-morrow he can do so without the usual notice, or the matter can be raised on the adjournment this evening.

I give notice that I will raise the matter on the adjournment this evening.

Mr. Crowley

I will give way to that.

Is Deputy Crowley's question in cold storage for another occasion?
