Might I ask when it is proposed to circulate these Bills?
Betting Bill, 1930—First Stage.
Before the 17th November.
If the Bills are not circulated sooner where is the sense of introducing them now? Surely it would be more advisable to have them circulated immediately so that Deputies can take advantage of the very long vacation to study the details of each measure. This is particularly important in the case of the Betting Bill, which arises out of the Report of a Special Committee. The gentlemen engaged in the betting business are anxious to have a discussion on the different clauses of the Bill. I think it is only fair that Deputies should have all these Bills in their possession in order that they may study them carefully. Can the Minister give us any definite idea when they will be circulated? I think it is ridiculous introducing the Bills now if they are not to be circulated in a very short time.
I said they would be circulated before 17th November.
Is that the nearest date to which the Minister can go?
The Bills will be circulated as soon as possible, and if sufficient notice has not elapsed the Second Stage can be postponed.
And then the closure will be moved because there will not be any time to discuss them.
We are not in a hurry with these measures.
Is the Bill in draft yet?
It will not be treated in the same way as the Transport Bill—introduced and then withdrawn?
We do not prophesy over here.