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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 18 Nov 1931

Vol. 40 No. 13

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Tipperary Dáil Eireann Bonds.

(Tipperary) asked the Minister for Finance what amount of Dáil Loan Bonds, 1919-1920, are paid in County Tipperary to date; and if he will state what is the amount outstanding, and also, when he intends to have the balance of the money subscribed paid to subscribers.

The compilation in an exact form of the information asked for by the Deputy in the first and second parts of the question would involve an amount of labour which would not in my opinion be justified. I may say, however, that repayment has already been authorised in respect of about three-quarters of the subscriptions to the Dáil Loan in County Tipperary.

As to the last part of the question the position is that correspondence is still proceeding regarding a number of applications from individuals who have not furnished satisfactory evidence in support of their claims. The rate at which progress will be made in disposing of these applications must necessarily depend to a large extent on the parties concerned.
